...because I walk on pedestrian lanes.
...because I stop and sing when the National Anthem is played.
...because I never want to be a traditional government employee - I am a proud private employee. (put down those high brows!)
...because I do not give excessive alms to the poor.
...because I am proud to be a Filipino.
...because I vote wisely and freely.
...because I am respectful to the elderly (except the old man).
...because I hate BIR.
...because I don't bribe.
...because I cannot be bribed.
...because I do not use glutathione soap or however the hell that is spelled.
...because I take time to see and savor the Philippine's best vacation spots.
...even if I forget to pray at night.
...even if I am marrying an American citizen.
...because I would never have botox! Ever!
...because I will teach my future children the Filipino language.
...because I think Jessica Zafra is cool.
...because I do not litter (so much).
...because I carefully put out my cigarette light and throw it in the trash can.
...because I value education.
...because I voted for Raul Roco!
...even if I idolize a British author.
...even if I don't watch Pinoy films. (the indie ones are cool though)
...even if I want to dye my hair green.
Now you can make your own list. :P
*as inspird by Drilon's 23 and Alex's 10.