After a long bus ride (about an hour), I arrive in the office with a head full of bright and green ideas. Hehehe... I am one of the two employees who live farthest from the office. I am always late for work. The written warnings and payslip with deductions for tardiness can attest to that. And not that I'm proud of it. I am actually ashamed. Fuck me, I should be setting an example to my subordinates!
Let me take you to the office blues in snapshots and not so picturesque scenes:
Me and my thinking pencil...
Queenie and Ice at work/play...
I don't know how I try to look corporate. I remember my friend, who is a fan of all indie, telling me: "Look what they've done to you. The corporate world ate you alive!"
too much work and no play make us all tired and bored... :(
Off-work, we love to drink coffee and have small talk...
Or booze around...
I think we're having too much fun.
*Boss comes in and says in his manly/bossy voice: Go back to work you filthy animals!*
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