Tofer and i decided to visit our good friend Bongzi (Francis) in the island province of Catanduanes and have some f-u-n.
clothes? camera? iPod? celphone? attitude? bloody ready!
we decided to take the tickets for the ordinary seats. it's cheaper; you get to breathe fresh pacific ocean air; and, you get to see the real action. and by action, we mean these:
erm, not so much action with the last one...
I swear i could have taken a picture of the fighting cock (excuse the word) and the crying kids and the PDA lovers but I was too shy to do so.
How to Spend Your Time in Catanduanes:
1. Familiarize
2. Have Fun, Get Drunk...
3. Say Thanks...
BTW, we cooked lunch for the peeps at the staff house for being our gracious hosts. :)
4. Go Home
Too bad, it was only an overnight stay. Had to go home this afternoon for an emergency meeting.
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