In celebration of the weirdness of date that is 08.08.08, I have prodded the younger officemates to join me in a hike up the Lignon Hill (pronounced Linyon). Whoa, it didn't really take a bucket of sweat to persuade them. It must be the age. They are in the age range of 20-24. So young and adventurous. So young and restless. So young and immature.
It's a 20-minute hike. Blimey the going down is easier (what with the 2 bottles of beer which kinda pushed us down the hill)!
Here are pics! enjoy!
Ice, Jill, Rein, Beata (Mitch taking the pic) waiting for Markie and Tofer to arrive:
The long and not-so-winding road..
Signs of the Times..
Heigh ho, heigh ho...
The height of weirdness...
Majestic Mayon Volcano through the eyes of a hill...
Overlooking Legazpi City where we left our jobs temporarily to experience hill-ey bliss hehe
It's opening day for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Max has updated me that the Philippines indeed sent delegates. They must be boxers, taekwondo masters, gymnast and some swimmers. I have high hopes for the boxers. We came close to our first ever Olympic gold back way back 1996 during the Atlanta Summer Olympics. Good boxer, he is.
To all the players, good luck! May the best players win! hehe.
And innit funny how we strive to get our first ever Olympic gold while the other countries work their asses off to be in the number 1 spot!
Just learned from my sis that a neighbor of theirs just succumbed to death due to errmm Breast Cancer. tsskkk.. gives me the goosebumps.
*makes mental note*
...should take a mammography exam soon...just in case...
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