i just plurked!
Life and times at Bleather and beyond. Or how I managed to differentiate fantasy from reality.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Why is it that whenever I get the time to browse other blogs (I just click "next blog" on one of the buttons above hehe ), I always run into momma blogs and pastor blogs? Is it a sign that I will be a momma in the future? Or that my life will make a religious turn?
Why not, right?
And Max says I live in the NOW. :P ILY!
Why not, right?
And Max says I live in the NOW. :P ILY!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
It won't hurt to admit that I am stubborn sometimes. You may say all the time but I'll settle with sometimes. Eherm.
Well Mama did try to tell me that the Convent where I'd attend a two-hour counseling program for Pinay partners of foreign nationals maybe closed during the weekend. I did try to listen. But I have purchased my plane ticket going there and had my bus ticket going home reserved. I just looked at it as something funny rather than foolishness on my part. Well IT was foolishness on my part, in a funny way. =)
So, yeah. I got to the convent around 930AM. IT WAS CLOSED. (Note: emphasis using caps lock).
What to do? What to do? I have about 12 hours to spend in Cubao before I leave for Bicol at 9PM.
I called up two persons. First, April. Second, Mench. April did not reply 'til about 5PM. Mench replied early. She was may savior for the day. How did we survive the day in Cubao? Here's how.
1. Starbucks session. I already had lunch when Mench arrived at the Ali Mall. I had chickec-spaghetti-fries-coke float at McDees. Yums! Starbucks = coffee = ciggie = small talk. We tried catching up with each others goings-on mainly my engagement and marriage with Max and her breaking up with Gian. Ok we share the same ex-bf.
2. Alice in Wonderland. Nevermind the P70-difference in admission fee for a new movie. It was Alice in Wonderland for crying out loud on its first week of showing in the Philippines. I get to watch it first hand. I remember telling Max last night when I was in the bus that I like Johnny Depp better with make-up on.
3. Ear-piercing. Ok, it wasn't my idea. It was Mench's long-time plan to get another ear-pierce. And you me, I have always thought that piercing is a cool idea. Besides, I have had one extra pierce on my right ear. I decided to get a pierce on the left ear this time 'coz the lady who pierced us said the old one might bleed when re-pierced. Yuck. Blood.
4. Sbarro dinner. As if we haven't eaten yet since 11am, we had a hearty dinner at Mench's fave place called Sbarro. They serve Italian food. I had a salmon in lemmon something. She had a pizza with baked mac as crust. I tells ya it was a huge pizza slice! Food was good but I did not finish it because I was already feeling poopy.
5. Stuff! Neil Gaiman books were selling at 30% off price at the National bookstore. I chose to get Coraline. And of course I brought a new pair of loop earrings to replace the one I broke (Jill's manita gift in 2008).
Nevermind spending money for the non-complete counselling program. I have to admit I had fun.
P.S. Kuya Bong from Penafrancia Tours is a fast driver! I never really slept last night.
Well Mama did try to tell me that the Convent where I'd attend a two-hour counseling program for Pinay partners of foreign nationals maybe closed during the weekend. I did try to listen. But I have purchased my plane ticket going there and had my bus ticket going home reserved. I just looked at it as something funny rather than foolishness on my part. Well IT was foolishness on my part, in a funny way. =)
So, yeah. I got to the convent around 930AM. IT WAS CLOSED. (Note: emphasis using caps lock).
What to do? What to do? I have about 12 hours to spend in Cubao before I leave for Bicol at 9PM.
I called up two persons. First, April. Second, Mench. April did not reply 'til about 5PM. Mench replied early. She was may savior for the day. How did we survive the day in Cubao? Here's how.
1. Starbucks session. I already had lunch when Mench arrived at the Ali Mall. I had chickec-spaghetti-fries-coke float at McDees. Yums! Starbucks = coffee = ciggie = small talk. We tried catching up with each others goings-on mainly my engagement and marriage with Max and her breaking up with Gian. Ok we share the same ex-bf.
2. Alice in Wonderland. Nevermind the P70-difference in admission fee for a new movie. It was Alice in Wonderland for crying out loud on its first week of showing in the Philippines. I get to watch it first hand. I remember telling Max last night when I was in the bus that I like Johnny Depp better with make-up on.
3. Ear-piercing. Ok, it wasn't my idea. It was Mench's long-time plan to get another ear-pierce. And you me, I have always thought that piercing is a cool idea. Besides, I have had one extra pierce on my right ear. I decided to get a pierce on the left ear this time 'coz the lady who pierced us said the old one might bleed when re-pierced. Yuck. Blood.

4. Sbarro dinner. As if we haven't eaten yet since 11am, we had a hearty dinner at Mench's fave place called Sbarro. They serve Italian food. I had a salmon in lemmon something. She had a pizza with baked mac as crust. I tells ya it was a huge pizza slice! Food was good but I did not finish it because I was already feeling poopy.
5. Stuff! Neil Gaiman books were selling at 30% off price at the National bookstore. I chose to get Coraline. And of course I brought a new pair of loop earrings to replace the one I broke (Jill's manita gift in 2008).
Nevermind spending money for the non-complete counselling program. I have to admit I had fun.
P.S. Kuya Bong from Penafrancia Tours is a fast driver! I never really slept last night.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Presidential Idol
And get this, I just made Max say yes to me about having a baby after a year of marriage! Wayheyy!!
The names, you may ask.
If it's a girl, she should be named Maharet. I suggested. Max liked it. Maharet is one of the first ever vampires alongside her twin sister Mekare. They were part of the First Brood. They are of course characters in my one of the books of my favorite author, Anne Rice (Queen of the Damned).
If it's a boy, it's gonna be BuzzSaw. BS for short. That's up for further discussion, of course.
"Mung Daal."
Nooooooooo! Whazzam!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Of Books and Genders
Books have sexes; or to be more precise, books have genders. They do in my head, anyway. Or at least, the ones that I write do. And these are genders that have something, but not everything, to do with the gender of the main character of the story. - Neil Gaiman
The only book Neil Gaiman wrote which took him a little while to give a gender is the American Gods. I bet the American Gods is his pet project.
I am amazed at Neil Gaiman's power of imagination. He went where the mainstream writers did not dare go. In his essay, he touches on C.S. Lewis' statement that the main characters should be normal people - normal people like Gulliver. He disagreed strongly though that Alice is normal.
If you have read a Neil Gaiman book, you would agree with me when I say that his protagonists are far from normal. Each main character has always had the weirdness air which only Neil Gaiman can give (well at least the ones I already read). Fat Charlie (Anansi Boys) worked for an accounting agency and is unambitious. Richard Mayhew (Neverwhere) was equally unambitious. Door (Neverwhere) was a noble person amongst a rather murky group. The endless in the Sandman books...need I say more.
Speaking of weirdness, I would love to watch Alice in Wonderland. It would be awesome if I can watch it with Max but I am not leaving for VA til after 46 days. I always thought that Johnny Depp is lucky for playing the best and weird roles for the silverscreen fans. He played Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka, Ichabod Crane, the Mad Hatter and of course John Dillinger.
Ok, I am sleepy now. Good night. I'm getting better at boring myself.
The only book Neil Gaiman wrote which took him a little while to give a gender is the American Gods. I bet the American Gods is his pet project.
I kept writing, fascinated. I felt, on the good days, more like the first reader than the writer, something I'd rarely felt since Sandman days.
I am amazed at Neil Gaiman's power of imagination. He went where the mainstream writers did not dare go. In his essay, he touches on C.S. Lewis' statement that the main characters should be normal people - normal people like Gulliver. He disagreed strongly though that Alice is normal.
If you have read a Neil Gaiman book, you would agree with me when I say that his protagonists are far from normal. Each main character has always had the weirdness air which only Neil Gaiman can give (well at least the ones I already read). Fat Charlie (Anansi Boys) worked for an accounting agency and is unambitious. Richard Mayhew (Neverwhere) was equally unambitious. Door (Neverwhere) was a noble person amongst a rather murky group. The endless in the Sandman books...need I say more.
Speaking of weirdness, I would love to watch Alice in Wonderland. It would be awesome if I can watch it with Max but I am not leaving for VA til after 46 days. I always thought that Johnny Depp is lucky for playing the best and weird roles for the silverscreen fans. He played Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka, Ichabod Crane, the Mad Hatter and of course John Dillinger.
Ok, I am sleepy now. Good night. I'm getting better at boring myself.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Waves are PMS-ing
Yes, I am PMS-ing. It's amazing how Max has seen the monthly trend. I told him "I'm PMS-ing.". "Yeah, I know.". hehe. I love you hun. You know me well.
Side note: He has received the Valentine's day card that I sent him about 3 week ago. Not that late. It's still the month of hearts. I thought I'd surprise him with a card (as I really am not the type to send cards and stuff) and that the card I saw on National Bookstore reminded me of the Mooninites from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Back to our news. Yes. PMS.
And as if in agreement with my PMS, the waves have declared their PMS too on national and international TV.
I received a text last night from Ate Cele saying there might be tsunamis coming to the Philippine shores. I got worried. But I think I was too sleepy to let the worry linger in my mind. Me? Worry? Meh! Ask Max! hehe
I was only reminded of the warning when I was surfing facebook and came upon Julian's status message warning his "bitch house", ducats, dogs and family about the tsunami. I wonder if he has removed his dad on his friends list with his bitch posts. hehehe
So I called up Megz to warn her because I remember her texting me about their first taxi clients who are American tourists. In between worry and sleepyness last night, I could hear Mom talking to Cel about the possible tsunami and reminding me to let Megz know first thing in the morning. Megz has her contingency planned out. Good.
Please just click the link below because I am no expert on tsunamis and earthquakes and I cannot be arsed to talk more about it.
Take care peeps. It shall pass. Six more hours.
Side note: He has received the Valentine's day card that I sent him about 3 week ago. Not that late. It's still the month of hearts. I thought I'd surprise him with a card (as I really am not the type to send cards and stuff) and that the card I saw on National Bookstore reminded me of the Mooninites from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Back to our news. Yes. PMS.
And as if in agreement with my PMS, the waves have declared their PMS too on national and international TV.
I received a text last night from Ate Cele saying there might be tsunamis coming to the Philippine shores. I got worried. But I think I was too sleepy to let the worry linger in my mind. Me? Worry? Meh! Ask Max! hehe
I was only reminded of the warning when I was surfing facebook and came upon Julian's status message warning his "bitch house", ducats, dogs and family about the tsunami. I wonder if he has removed his dad on his friends list with his bitch posts. hehehe
So I called up Megz to warn her because I remember her texting me about their first taxi clients who are American tourists. In between worry and sleepyness last night, I could hear Mom talking to Cel about the possible tsunami and reminding me to let Megz know first thing in the morning. Megz has her contingency planned out. Good.
Please just click the link below because I am no expert on tsunamis and earthquakes and I cannot be arsed to talk more about it.
Take care peeps. It shall pass. Six more hours.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
49 days
I make it a point to bring my camera to work every Friday. I have only 49 days left in the Philippines before i leave for Virginia. I have yet to buy my bags for the long trip (which is scheduled to be done today). I also have to secure my certification of grades for my Masteral studies at Bicol University. I also think I might get to secure another set of NBI clearance and police clearance. But that's up to when Max is going to call the USCIS and ask if I still need to submit them. I also have to take care of the uninstallation of my internet connection at home plus the deactivation of my cellphone number. I will settle with a pre-paid SIM because the Smart Communications customer assistant told me so. hehe.
Not that much things to do before I leave, really. I also am not planning to have despidida parties really. I hate goodbyes. I hate being the center of attention (except when Max is involved hehe)
So yesterday, we again had lunch out - LCC Food Court express. I think I am developing this sizzling-gambas-mania even when I know it's not good health-wise. C-H-O-L-E-S-T-E-R-O-L. It was a nice break from our busy work (Yeah, I take back saying I'm not to loaded with work after I tendered my resignation!) It was also a good way to start the GMC meeting which lasted until almost 6PM thereby ruining our Batchoy schedule! Arg!
That meant going home without any good thoughts after the meeting. That meant leaving my jacket on my office chair. That meant Kristian getting it for me and giving it to me at the van terminal. And yes, that meant taking a pic of the Mayon Volcano behind the terminal lines. Awesome.

Not that much things to do before I leave, really. I also am not planning to have despidida parties really. I hate goodbyes. I hate being the center of attention (except when Max is involved hehe)
So yesterday, we again had lunch out - LCC Food Court express. I think I am developing this sizzling-gambas-mania even when I know it's not good health-wise. C-H-O-L-E-S-T-E-R-O-L. It was a nice break from our busy work (Yeah, I take back saying I'm not to loaded with work after I tendered my resignation!) It was also a good way to start the GMC meeting which lasted until almost 6PM thereby ruining our Batchoy schedule! Arg!
That meant going home without any good thoughts after the meeting. That meant leaving my jacket on my office chair. That meant Kristian getting it for me and giving it to me at the van terminal. And yes, that meant taking a pic of the Mayon Volcano behind the terminal lines. Awesome.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Quotable quotes
Random question to the officemates via YM one lazy Wednesday afternoon:
"What is your favorite quote?"
Chan: "wara te"
Fer: "dai ko daw po aram teh.."
Mark: "waah! kan naghapot ka wara naglaog sa utak ko. wara cguro ako favorite te"
Jill: "time is gold but patience is a virtue :D"
Liz: "kadakul..depende sa mood po."
Ton: "The hottest love has the coldest end."
Kuya Dan: "Sex is sacred"
Max: I think there I'm confused.
Ms. Joji: No answer.
Mga lapa! hehe
"What is your favorite quote?"
Chan: "wara te"
Fer: "dai ko daw po aram teh.."
Mark: "waah! kan naghapot ka wara naglaog sa utak ko. wara cguro ako favorite te"
Jill: "time is gold but patience is a virtue :D"
Liz: "kadakul..depende sa mood po."
Ton: "The hottest love has the coldest end."
Kuya Dan: "Sex is sacred"
Max: I think there I'm confused.
Ms. Joji: No answer.
Mga lapa! hehe
Monday, February 22, 2010
My creepy valentine
Because Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday and I'm sure as Miriam Defensor-Santiago winning a seat in the Senate that I'll just stay at home and spend the day with Max online, I prodded the Super Troopers into going to the Bicol Memorial Park to take photos with the memorial park and its semi-eerie/semi-romantic atmosphere as the background.
Jill brought along her new Nikon D40 DSLR too.

This was of course after our lunch date at LCC Food Court Express where hearts decked place. I think this was to compensate the really really bad tasting Bistek Tagalog that they served.

We had to quickly get out of the memorial park because the valentine daters who dig the ambience of the place as we dig them startedcoming in pairs. And off we go to Master Ken's place for some hot-lovin', sweat-pourin' Batchoy! Yums!!!

It wasn't really that creepy, eh?
Jill brought along her new Nikon D40 DSLR too.

This was of course after our lunch date at LCC Food Court Express where hearts decked place. I think this was to compensate the really really bad tasting Bistek Tagalog that they served.
We had to quickly get out of the memorial park because the valentine daters who dig the ambience of the place as we dig them startedcoming in pairs. And off we go to Master Ken's place for some hot-lovin', sweat-pourin' Batchoy! Yums!!!
It wasn't really that creepy, eh?
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