Well Mama did try to tell me that the Convent where I'd attend a two-hour counseling program for Pinay partners of foreign nationals maybe closed during the weekend. I did try to listen. But I have purchased my plane ticket going there and had my bus ticket going home reserved. I just looked at it as something funny rather than foolishness on my part. Well IT was foolishness on my part, in a funny way. =)
So, yeah. I got to the convent around 930AM. IT WAS CLOSED. (Note: emphasis using caps lock).
What to do? What to do? I have about 12 hours to spend in Cubao before I leave for Bicol at 9PM.
I called up two persons. First, April. Second, Mench. April did not reply 'til about 5PM. Mench replied early. She was may savior for the day. How did we survive the day in Cubao? Here's how.
1. Starbucks session. I already had lunch when Mench arrived at the Ali Mall. I had chickec-spaghetti-fries-coke float at McDees. Yums! Starbucks = coffee = ciggie = small talk. We tried catching up with each others goings-on mainly my engagement and marriage with Max and her breaking up with Gian. Ok we share the same ex-bf.
2. Alice in Wonderland. Nevermind the P70-difference in admission fee for a new movie. It was Alice in Wonderland for crying out loud on its first week of showing in the Philippines. I get to watch it first hand. I remember telling Max last night when I was in the bus that I like Johnny Depp better with make-up on.
3. Ear-piercing. Ok, it wasn't my idea. It was Mench's long-time plan to get another ear-pierce. And you me, I have always thought that piercing is a cool idea. Besides, I have had one extra pierce on my right ear. I decided to get a pierce on the left ear this time 'coz the lady who pierced us said the old one might bleed when re-pierced. Yuck. Blood.

4. Sbarro dinner. As if we haven't eaten yet since 11am, we had a hearty dinner at Mench's fave place called Sbarro. They serve Italian food. I had a salmon in lemmon something. She had a pizza with baked mac as crust. I tells ya it was a huge pizza slice! Food was good but I did not finish it because I was already feeling poopy.
5. Stuff! Neil Gaiman books were selling at 30% off price at the National bookstore. I chose to get Coraline. And of course I brought a new pair of loop earrings to replace the one I broke (Jill's manita gift in 2008).
Nevermind spending money for the non-complete counselling program. I have to admit I had fun.
P.S. Kuya Bong from Penafrancia Tours is a fast driver! I never really slept last night.
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