I finally finished reading Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys. It's the story of [mis]adventures of the god Anansi's sons Fat Charlie and Spider who are gods as well but one did not know he was one. A good read I must say. Well, I thought it was boring in the first 100 pages but was addictively interesting in the pages to follow.

Many thanks to the following for making the endeavor possible:
1. The very kind jeepney driver who turned the jeepney light on for me when he saw poor Beata feeling disappointed and stomping her feet on the rather corrosive floor of the vehicle when she sensed that sun has decided to set on her book reading moment.
2. The defective iPod earphones and my usual laziness to replace it with a new one. I've been reading the book instead of listening to my iPod the last two weeks during the bus ride going to and from the office.
3. The uninteresting bus seatmates. I'd rather read a book than talk to them.
4. To all those who in one way or another, good or bad (but 'twas usually the latter's case) who contributed to my reading the book.
The (PICPA)Philippine Institute of Certified
Pain in the Arses Public Accountants has had a successful seminar. It was a two-day seminar, yesterday and today, about new Accounting Standards and Updates on Taxation. I learned something, that's for sure. Sure enough that I have something to report to the bosses on Tuesday.
The bank has shouldered the registration fee. It was a discounted one because, to my great surprise, I (still) am a member of PICPA even when I haven't paid any membership fees for the last two years. I would mind being a member but the officers must love me to include my name in their members list. Comes in handy sometimes. *wink*
The following are the highlights of the seminar:
First, one of the speaker's joke about the Lawyer, the Engineer and the Accountant. The three professionals have been asked in a job interview what the sum of 2 and 2 is. The Lawyer said it was 22. The interviewer was impressed. "Such good lawyer!". The Enginer said the sum was something in between 3.999 and 4.111. "Brilliant, Mr. Engineer!". And then it was the Accountant on the interviewer's room now. As soon as he was asked the question, he grinned, went to the door, closed it slowly and said in a very re-assuring way: "What do you want the sum to be Ma'am?".
Well we all know the Accountant was hired, right? hehehe
Second, the same speaker who gave the anecdote was also the one who called me to answer a question when he caught me doodling something on my notebook. Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am, I was caught doodling my boyfriend's name in my notes. Priceless moment, eh?

It was also a sort of a reunion for me and my college classmates who are fellow CPA's. They were Sonnie (in pink LOL), Jocelyn (in green), DeeDee (in brown) and Kathy (in bright orange). I was relieved to know that we were all still single except for Kathy who, and I've only known of this today, had a kid when we were in college and is now married.

I sowee, the pics were too bright. It was on twilight mode.