Nothing beats the feeling of waking up with the man of your life next to you. Yeah, never mind the heavy legs and the petty snoring.
It was Max's first sight of Manila in daylight. I think he felt kinda ecstatic waking up in the morn. 'Guess the jet lag hasn't kicked in yet. That or the excitement has not subsided yet. So I treated Max to breakfast at the little resto up the 3rd floor - rice, longganisa, egg (longsilog), corned beef (his fave, Ive just learned of that) and kape. Yums, he says.
We tried to clean up the little mess we made on the room - San Mig and Red Horse cans and improvised ashtrays - before we headed to the airport. We took a taxi to the airport that cost us P300.00. I tried to haggle but to no avail. Tsk - taxi drivers getting the best out of my kindness. While doing the haggling, i murmur and tell Max that im haggling 'cause the driver jacked up the price when he should not have. (Trivia - Pinoys love to haggle) I look at the taxi meter and swear at him under my breath! This is why I hate Manila so much. *fumes come out of the ears and nose* People take advantage of other people who are either too kind or just too foolish.
Yeah, so much for the taxi ride. We arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 P300-poorer but excitement and nervousness-richer. In two hours Max is gonna be meeting the family - M&P, sisters, brother and the nieces and nephews.
And ^5 to Ice for making me giggle when I saw a certain local TV star named Rayver Cruz. hehe
My sister Megz and her family we're all waiving at us at the arrival terminal. I remember Megz tell me that she had to actually "look" for me among the throng of the arriving passengers. Blame it on Max. I was walking behind him and he kinda blocked Megz view of me. hehe.
Usual Hi's and Hello's. "How do you find the Philippines so far?", asked Kuya Mike - Megz's hubby. I think that was Max's first encounter with that question.
And off to Ligao City we went to meet the M&P. Moms was all smiles and sported her signature laugh while being introduced to Max. To say that she is excited is an understatement. Pops, of course, only receives guests in his sanctuary. He talked to Max while breathing on his oxygen thingie. It was a good first meet. I was beaming with pride. The M&P like him; that's positive.

After a quick lunch and the usual hi's and hello's and stares from the curious neighbors, we headed to Jilly's house to (1) show Max what a "Pasyon" is and (2) persuade Jilly's pops to let us go with the daughter to Donsol and see the whalesharks. Pffft. "No can do", said the little-bit-buzzed father. Note: "Pasyon" is the singing of the Passion of the Christ in strange and sometimes liquor-ey fashion.

We arrived at Kuya Dan's place at around 9-ish after a long and rainy jeepney ride. We actually had to hire a jeepney to take us to the place. I worried about Max being so quiet. He was holding my hand extra tight. Something must be wrong. Must be the jetlag. Yes, it was the jetlag. So I let him get some sleep after he promised to join the group in the karaoke sessions downstairs.
True enough, he joined. Everyone had a good time drinking and singing and singing some more. There was this one drunk guy who tried talking to Max in "carabao" English after which I only ended up translating his words for Max. English to English translation. heh.
I retired to bed at around 2am but Max, Dante and Tofer were left downstairs. They actually talked - wtg Kuya Dan and Tofer. I didn't bother ask what the topic was about. It's either women or booze. hehe
And yes, Max had his 2nd (or nth) "How do you find the Philippines so far?" question that night.

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