We're supposed to be at the Donsol Tourism Office as early as 5:30 in the morning to catch the first batch of bancas for the Butanding (Whaleshark) Watching. Drinking and singing til 2am (3am for some, you know who you are) didn't help much with waking up early.
After a hearty breakfast which consisted of PB sammich, kape and more kape (yums!), we headed to the Tourism Office via a Tricycle which, to Max's amazement, was able to give room to 8 persons. (see picture below, that's a tricycle - a well-decorated tricycle)
After waiting for 30 minutes for any of the 1st batch bancas to come back, it's finally our turn. In between the 30 minutes, we shot some pics, Francis fell asleep, Max's smoked and smoked some more and I met a police officer whose house is just across our house in Ligao City. He tells me the good news of paying for NO registration fee and the bad news of actually paying for it before seeing him. FFS.

After seeing 4 whalesharks and 1 shark (eeek!), we got offa the rented banca at exactly 12NN. It was a good 3 hours of watching and waitin and getting pulled by the other banca 'cause something went wrong with our banca's motor.
Yesh we were hungry. Kuya Dan and wife and aunts served us with seafoods - crabs, shrimps, grilled fish, chopped tomatoes and soysauce dip. Yummsss.
We were ready to leave Donsol after freshening up at 3PM. Thank god we're riding an Airconed Van this time. But heck, Francis was still complaining of the weather. The whole trip Max and Jo-Al conversed of ranging topics as Civil War, Football, Soccer and Jackass while the rest of us slept. And guess what, the movie on the bus from Daraga to Ligao City was Jackass. As if the two men's conversation weren't enough.
We were supposed to receive a text message from Francis confirming about our Sunday night out. No text message came. Max started being grumpy at me. He wouldn't talk and was errr just being grumpy. First time face to face grumpy with Max hehehe GL.
After 30 minutes he is back to his normal self. I think it was after he called the m&pand told them he's alright. Yeah i think it was.
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